Social Media Report

How to do Social Media Reporting

Social Media Report

During the first 4 months of the Covid outbreak 85,000 businesses launched online stores or joined online marketplaces. Social Media is seen as a primary marketing channel. It would be crazy not to be keeping tabs on what is working for your business social media campaigns and what is not during this period of digital growth. Putting together a social media report will allow you to do this. Here’s a few ideas to get you started.

First of all make sure you know what it is you want to achieve on social media. This should tie in to what your overall business goals are. You can apply S.M.A.R.T. guides when setting your objectives. That is: 

  • Specific. Perhaps you are looking to increase your number of followers.  
  • Measurable. Set a target number of followers you want to have.
  •  Achievable. Make sure the target number is reasonable.
  • Relevant. How does having more followers relate to your overall business goals?
  • Timely.  Set a deadline to achieve your objective.


All this will help you decide what content goes into your report. 

This content could include the number of followers you already have and by how many this figure grows over your chosen time period. Engagement is important to social media algorithms so you could note how many clicks, likes or retweets a post has.  What type of post has done best for you? Can you see why? Was it a certain hashtag or specific time of day you posted. Is it worth highlighting any new followers that are influential in your field? This last point may be more applicable if the report you are preparing is to be presented to clients. You may also want to look at comparisons with competitors or with our previous reports. 

Decide how often you want to report. Would you prefer a once a week or once a month, or maybe even quarterly? The longer length in between reports means a larger amount of data to look at. What would be most useful to you?

Finally, don’t forget if something hasn’t worked this is also the chance to spot it and amend it.