Are Your Competitors Converting More Leads?

NovaLoca analysed approximately 4000 telephone enquiries made to agents about the commercial properties they have listed on and a startling difference in the length of the calls was revealed.

· The average length of a call was 105 seconds.

· Some agencies were showing an average call length of over two and a half times this time.

· One company received 141 telephone enquiries with an average call length of 259 seconds.

These differences suggest that some agents are answering calls more efficiently & engaging with potential occupiers in a more positive way. When leads are harder to come by are you sure you are making the most of every chance you have to find occupiers for your commercial property?

To find out where you rank in our data of who is converting the most leads or to discuss how you could easily get your property listed on NovaLoca call the customer services team on 01767 313380.