NovaLoca working with Council’s, Inward Investment Teams & Business Improvement Districts (BID’s)
NovaLoca operates a UK wide search engine of available commercial property. Established for over 15 years, NovaLoca advertises property from over 350 companies (and over 12,000 individual agents) with the majority linking in with their own websites & sending their property data to us electronically.
We are already working with a number of Councils and their Inward Investment teams who can take advantage of our data in several ways, to promote Council owned property and to support local business.
Local Availability Reports & Advertising Council Properties on NovaLoca
- Search all local commercial property listed by NovaLoca (available and no longer available) within your admin area.
- Useful for presentation of your own properties, inward investment enquiries and comparisons
- Full detail reports and summary reports available.
- Great display of your available council properties on NovaLoca; multiple high res images, unlimited text, logos, attachments, joint agents and maps (eg Fife Council list all their available properties with us which can be seen here)
- Admin area for editing and updating, or email details to us for full admin support.
- Tracked phone numbers included so you can track all call enquiries.
- View enquiry, visitor and brochure download stats in your admin area.
- Additional marketing & social media support also included, and your properties are automatically sent out in email alerts to Occupiers, Agents, Developers & Investors with matching requirements from our current 54,000 registered requirements.
Property Search of Local Availability for your Website or Entire Website
- Full mobile responsive website with content management system and embedded commercial property search via www.zipbox.co.uk
- You can use all pages of this site for a complete ‘invest in’ website.
- Alternatively, just choose the pages you need to add within an existing site (choose from home page/property search/blog/team page/about/contact). e.g. https://propertysearch.investinangus.com Angus use our home page & property search within the Invest in Angus Website.
Web Service Access
- The database of available property collected by NovaLoca can be searched via our web service and used to populate a bespoke search on your website.
Sponsored Listings
- Data collection and validation for all available commercial properties in your area.
- To ensure you have access to the most comprehensive data available, sponsoring your area enables agents and individual landlords to add properties to NovaLoca without cost.
- Anyone not already listing is carefully targeted with initial batches of properties added on their behalf. Regular checks are carried out to ensure properties are up to date ongoing.
- Sponsored listings will only show very basic information on www.novaloca.com; however, full information will be accessible within your reports & (if applicable) fed through to display on your site.
If any of these services would be of interest, then please contact us for more information and prices.