NovaLoca ranks Number 1

Further to my blog in January, “NovaLoca ranked ahead of EG Property Link”, our rankings have now improved even further! Thanks to our continued efforts we now rank a massive 104,572 websites ahead of EG Property Link.

We are really pleased with this result and are inspired to reach even greater heights. We have an ongoing programme of investment in SEO (search engine optimisation) and our current success is testament to this. The most exciting part is that our latest SEO work will not even be released onto our site until next week.

Much of the SEO work carried out by various websites is a long-term investment, as results are often not realised for six months. Beware of listing on sites that draw traffic from sponsored links – although they can increase traffic this way, it is not a long-term investment for them and can be switched off quickly if the site can’t keep up with payments.

We have been lucky enough to get a sneak preview of some research conducted by Earthware, which reveals as the leader of all UK portals and as number 3 in the UK for all commercial property websites in the UK. We will update you when the full league tables are released.

February rankings

February rankings 2
