NovaLoca, Not ‘Just’ a Commercial Property Search!

We have been speaking to a number of the commercial property agents who are already using NovaLoca to advertise commercial property. They have been telling us how much they appreciate the service NovaLoca offers; and not just the property details listing service but also all the extras on offer such as bird’s eye imagery and property mapping. The agents say they believe additions such as these on their property details pages are helping their properties stand out from the rest which inevitably attracts more occupiers to them.

Similarly, occupiers we have spoken to who have been using NovaLoca to find commercial property have said that all this information about the properties means that they can make a truly informed decision about their interest in a property before seeing it which saves time for everyone and makes the whole process much easier.

Our aim has always been to develop a ‘one stop shop’ so commercial property agents can advertise commercial property, and occupiers can find it, really easily. This is why we are so happy to receive such feedback. Below we have outlined what is currently available through NovaLoca, but if there is anything else that you would like to see there that will make NovaLoca even better then please do contact us.


Bird’s Eye Photography

We are resellers of Blom’s imagery meaning that we can offer great packages deals for high resolution bird’s eye photography (at a 45 degree angle from the north, south, east and west) which agents have found to be a great ‘add-on’ to bring their property details listings and document alive and show occupiers what a property looks like.

West view

To see some examples of the imagery and to find out how you can order some for your property, please click here.


NovaLoca maps

Not only were we ahead of Google to release Street View imagery in our maps of London, we also offer registered agents the use of this latest mapping technology for free. Agents can add a link from their web site directly to a NovaLoca map which shows all the properties they are currently representing (and only their properties) meaning the agents own site can benefit from the same mapping which makes NovaLoca the amazing resource that it is and show occupiers the location of the property.


To add a map link to your site:

1. Register as a commercial property agent (if you have not already done so)

2. Log in to your agent admin area and click on “link to my properties list” in the advertiser toolbar

3. Follow the instructions given.

NovaLoca 3D – Google Earth 3D Property Models

If you have a property that’s not been built yet, or even if it has been standing for 100 years, NovaLoca 3D will bring the property to life. The photo-realistic model of the property is embedded into Google Earth and information windows are added so you can draw viewer’s attention to the properties best features. For a truly interactive experience we create a video so you can fly around the site and show an occupier everything the buildings have to offer.