More help in implementing CRC scheme

The British Property Federation has published its latest CRC (Carbon Reduction Commitment) report – this guide to the Energy Efficiency Scheme for landlords and tenants details how the government’s plan to reduce carbon emissions works, and gives a step-by-step guide as to how owners and occupiers of commercial property can implement the scheme, which is legally binding and came into operation in April this year.

A previous BPF survey of owners and occupiers – which we discussed here in July – showed that there was considerable uncertainty and divergence of opinion when it comes to splitting the costs of the scheme between landlords and tenants. The BPF says the legal position surrounding the application of the CRC, particularly in relation to existing leases, is still unclear, but this new guide examines some of the issues relating to landlords and tenants with regard to the CRC and suggests possible approaches to dealing with them.

The guide also looks at issues relating to the CRC scheme when the ownership of a building changes, and possible ways of dealing with these matters.

If you want to check whether your organisation is included in the introductory phase of the CRC, or find out how the CRC is going to affect your property in future, check out the BPF’s latest report (link above) – and tell us what you think about this scheme.