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Double Fronted Retail Shop , M Soho Road, 173 - 175, Birmingham, B21 9SU

2,580 Sq Ft / Retail

To Let - £55,000.00

Available - Last updated: 15 January 2025

A popular retail parade in busy inner city surburb of Birmingham with onsite shopper car parking.


Birmingham is the UK seconds largest City, with a shopping catchment of 7.2 million people. The city is currently experiencing a new era of capital investment due to the increasing demand for residential, offices and retail on behalf of occupiers.


2,580 sq.ft (240 sq.m)


Service Charge & Insurance All units in the scheme contribute to the service charge of £5,975 per annum. The landlord insures the structure and recovers the cost of the premium from the tenant.

Energy Performance Further information available upon request.

Planning Subject to planning. It is the ingoing tenant’s responsibility to verify that their intended use is acceptable to the Local Planning Authority.

Legal Costs Each party is responsible for their own legal costs in connection with the granting of a lease.


• Double Fronted Unit
• Located on main A41 Soho Road
• Dedicated car park to the front of the unit, as well as dedicated rear servicing

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
173 - 175 - M Soho Road To Let £55,000.00 NA

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