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Restaurant Investment For Sale, 18, Princes Street, Thurso, KW14 7BQ

1,423 Sq Ft / Retail / General Retail

For Sale

Available - Last updated: 02 October 2024

The subject property is located on Princes Street which is one of the main streets in Thurso and is located a short distance from the town centre. Surrounding properties comprise a mixture of hot food takeaway and residential accommodation.

The subjects comprise a two storey and attic mid terraced converted licensed restaurant which we assume was constructed circa 1900.

Thurso is one of the two principle towns in the county of Caithness lying on the north coast of the Highlands and benefits from good access to road and rail links to the south.

( Agency Pilot Software ref: 51129 )


The subject property is located on Princess Street which is one of the main streets in Thurso and is located a short distance from the town centre. Surrounding properties comprise a mixture of hot food takeaways and residential accommodation

Thurso is located within Caithness in the far North of Scotland, approximately 100 miles north of Inverness, at the northern extent of the A9 trunk road. With a population of circa 8,000, Thurso is the principal market town and administrative centre for Caithness and benefits from local primary and secondary education provision. In addition to good rail links to the south, the nearby Scrabster Ferry Terminal is home to the North Link Ferry Service to the Orkney Islands


The property has an NIA of 1,432 sq./ft


VAT Applicable on all aspects in relation to the subject property.


LEGAL COSTS Each party shall pay their legal costs

ENTRY By agreement



• Close to Thurso town centre
• Guide Price: on application
• Lease expiry on 28th March 2024
• Passing rent of £28,000

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
  For Sale Freehold NA NA

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Kenny McKenzie

Graham + Sibbald

01463 800 229

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