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Prominent Retail Unit To Let / For Sale, 32 Vicar Street, Falkirk, FK1 1JB

1,581 Sq Ft / Retail / Retail - High Street

For Sale - £150,000.00

To Let

Available - Last updated: 13 January 2025

Prominent retail unit
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 16895 )


Falkirk is situated within the central belt of Scotland, approximately 34 miles east of Glasgow and 24 miles west of Edinburgh. The town has a resident population of approximately 40,000 persons. The unit itself occupies a prominent position in Vicar Street with nearby retailers being a good mix of local and multiple to include Slater Hogg, Belvoir Lettings and First Mortgage.


147 SQ M (1,581 SQ FT)


RATEABLE VALUE The subjects are currently entered in the Assessor’s Valuation Roll as having a Rateable Value of £15,200. The current UBR (2024/2025) for properties with an RV under £51,000 is £0.498p. Therefore rates payable will be in the order of £7,569.60. Ingoing occupiers may qualify for the Small Business Bonus Scheme where relief from £15,001 to £20,000 slides on a scale of 25% to 0%. Interested parties should make their own enquiries to the Local Authority.

VAT This property has not been elected for VAT. Any intending lessee must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction

.LEGAL COSTS Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in this transaction. For the avoidance of doubt, the ingoing purchaser being responsible for any Land & Buildings Transactional Tax (LBTT), registration dues and VAT as applicable

TENURE / LEASEHOLD Outright ownership or may consider lease.

PRICE Offers in excess of £150,000 are sought.

RENTAL Rental offers invited.

EPC A copy is available upon request.




Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
  For Sale Freehold £150,000.00 NA
  To Let NA NA

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John Conroy

Ryden LLP

0141 432 1390

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