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Unit 27 Stenhouse Mill Wynd, Edinburgh, EH11 3XX
7,556 Sq Ft / Industrial
Withdrawn - Last updated: 05 October 2020
Mid terraced warehouse/industrial unit on a well established and popular estate. Tenant vacates in april 2007 providing a refurbished unit for occupation. 6.2m eaves, 3 phase power, manually operated roller shutter door, small office area and WC facilities.
Location: Situated in Stenhouse Mill Wynd which is accessed just of the A71 Calder/Gorgie Road 3 miles west of the city centre.
Estate Occupiers: Arnold Clark Finance, Rico Logistics, Peter Hosie Carpets and City Plumbing Supplies.
Terms: Available on a new full repairing and insuring lease on flexible terms. Unit is currently occupied with the lease expiring on 8th April 2007.
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