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Chameleon Buildings 1 & 3, Appleton Parkway, Livingston, EH54 7EZ

3,186 Sq Ft / Offices

To Let

Available - Last updated: 24 December 2024

LOCATIONThe subjects comprise prominent office site which is well located within Livingston, WestLothian Livingston, home to over 56 000 people, is the administrative hub of West Lothianwhich has one of the fastest growing and youngest populations in Scotland Livingstontown centre comprises the largest indoor shopping location in Scotland with The Centreand Livingston Designer Outlet drawing shoppers from across the country Exceptionalconnectivity by road and rail includes two train stations which between them provide up to6 direct trains per hour to Edinburgh and Glasgow It is located in close proximity to thefollowing transport networks (travel time by car) Edinburgh's International Airport 15 mins) Glasgow City Centre 40 mins) Edinburgh City Centre 30 mins) In addition Livingston sits on the main railway between Edinburgh and Glasgow taking 60minutes to Glasgow and 25 minutes to Edinburgh by train. DESCRIPTIONThe modern pavilion offices, built in 2006 offers theopportunity for a new tenant(s) to occupy an extensivepurpose built office premises Previously occupied by asingle tenant, the space is well suited to a singleoccupier with its dedicated reception area, staffamenities and large open plan floor plates The spacehowever is versatile across the two buildings and floorsand can easily be sub divided for multiple occupancy ifrequired or preferred. Building 3 consists of a ground floor entrance,reception and waiting area which is accessed via thegenerous car park The ground floor also consists ofmeeting rooms accessed directly off reception as wellas an open plan office which includes internal meetingrooms also There is lift and stair access to the firstfloor which also consists of an open plan office,meeting rooms and staff shower facilities. Building 1 first floor is currently accessed via an internalwalkway linking buildings 1 3 at first floor level Thereare staff WC and shower facilities on the internal link,prior to entering into the large open plan space inbuilding 1 which also benefits from various meetingrooms as well as a large staff canteen/breakout space The landlords preference is to let the entire 20945 sqftof suites to one occupier however we do have theopportunity, with separate entrances, to let separatelyfrom 3180 sqft 6360 sqft 14585 sqft. RATEABLE VALUEThe subjects are entered in the current ValuationRoll at a rateable value of 72.00 per square metre forwhich the current payable rate is 49.8p. A new occupier has the right to appeal the rateable valuewithin 6 months from their date of entry


Key Features

  • Cellular Office Accommodation
  • Close to main trunk road links
  • Easy Access to Trunk Road Links
  • Immediate Entry Available
  • Office Accommodation
  • Open Plan Accommodation
  • Prime Location
  • Rental {ANNUAL_RENT} per annum
  • Property Quote Price(s)

    DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
    Chameleon Buildings 1 & 3 To Let NA NA

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    Louis Jones

    Shepherd Commercial

    01387 640079

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