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High Quality Offices With Secure Parking, Crown Street., Failsworth, M35 9BD

75 to 24,000 Sq Ft / Offices

To Let - £10.00 per sq ft

Available - Last updated: 21 November 2023

Ivy business centre is a 150,000 sq ft multi occupancy Historic Victorian mill located in Greater Manchester.  Delivering all inclusive office space; industrial units & storage. 

Our ethos always has and always will be about providing excellent value for money. 

The business centre is located in a prominent position just off the A62, one of the main arterial roads between Manchester City Centre and Oldham. 


The business centre is served by excellent public and road transport links; being located just a few minutes away from the Manchester orbital motorway the M60 at junction 22.
Perfectly positioned to provide commuters from a wide area quick and easy access to the centre. 

Manchester City East is only 3.7 miles & Oldham Centre 3.5 miles from the centre. Rochdale, Ashton and other town centres are just a few minutes; drive away, with high frequency bus services every few minutes. 


The business centre offers various sized offices.

The suites are fully furnished and Internet/VoIP phone system ready* 

Supported by 150 sq ft -25,000 sq ft of additional storage space and industrial units.

Meeting & Training rooms: 

The business centre has a total of 2 meeting rooms & 1 training room.

Industrial/Storage Units: 

The self-storage facility solution for your long or short-term storage requirements, for either archiving files, spare parts or seasonal stock.
150 sq ft -25,000 sq ft
Starting from £2.5 per sq ft
Self-storage/Industrial units:
Low Cost, Safe & Secure Storage
Student Storage: Ideal for students in Manchester who are away over summer.
Business Storage: Great for any businesses who have an extra stock and limited space or need archive storage.
Personal Storage: Superb for moving home or freeing up extra space. 


Rent - Office accommodation:

Prices start from £10.00/ sq.ft
Excludes utilities
(VAT is applicable on all prices)
*Business rates not included, however, we can assist you to get 100% business rate relief if this is the only office you have claimed rates relief from in Manchester.

EPC: We understand the property is assessed within Band E120 and a copy of the EPC is available on request. 

*Property availability maybe subject to change, please call our office as well as landlord to verify before proceeding with your enquiry or arranging a viewing. Unit sizes listed are approximate and price may vary, dependent on size or location of the office/units within the business centre.

Misrepresentation Act 1967 Ivy Business centre Ltd for themselves, for any joint agents and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they give notice that: 1: The details contained within these particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees and do not constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract. 2: All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct, any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to each of them 3: No person in the employment of Ivy Business centre Ltd or any joint agents has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. 4: All rentals and prices are quoted exclusive of VAT. *Unit sizes listed are approximate. 


Our facilities;
• Office spaces from 100 sq. ft up to 10,000+ sq. ft
• Industrial and light industrial space from 128 sq. ft up to 10,000+ sq. ft
• Office and units which can be customised to your business needs
• Furnished offices*
• Easy access to centres including passenger and goods lifts
• High speed fibre internet and VoIP phone system ready
• Meeting rooms to hire by the hour
• High-Security CCTV systems
• Manned security
• Secure Parking*
• Kitchen facilities
• Shower facilities
• Mail sorting and collection services.
*Furniture & Parking subject to availability

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
From To Let £10.00 per sq ft
From To Let £1,500.00 NA

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Ivy Business Centre

0161 401 1369

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