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*CLOSING DATE 12 NOON 12.10.2023*, 20-22 South Bridge Street, Bathgate, EH48 1TT

not specified / Offices / Mixed Use

For Sale

Under Offer - Last updated: 19 December 2024


The subjects include two properties and interested parties can bid for the subjects as a whole or in two lots.

1) St David.House, 20 South Bridge Street. This office building is a former council hub and offers office accommodation over a ground floor and two upper floors which can be accessed via a passenger lift or a traditional stairwell. There is also considerable parking over the roof of the office block towards the north of the subjects. Construction is traditional brick and block with a flat roof over the building. Internally, floors are generally carpeted with painted plasterboard walls whilst accommodation offers largely open plan office space as well as break-out rooms, kitchen and toilet facilities.

2) 22 South Bridge Street. This property offers retail accommodation over a ground and upper floor. The property is directly below the  St.David House office block. The shop unit is open plan with some internal columns whilst storage rooms are present.

The total site area covers approximately 0.374 Ha



Bathgate is a commuter town within West Lothian, with a local population of around 22,000 people. Bathgate  takes   advantage of excellent transport links with Junctions 3A and 4 of the M8 providing access to Glasgow (27 miles) and Edinburgh (20 miles). Edinburgh and Glasgow airports are within one hour’s drive of the town whilst Bathgate benefits from a train station providing regular routes to many of Scotland’s main stations.

The subject property is located within the town centre which is a traditional town centre comprising retailers, restaurants, offices and local services as well as a main pedestrian thoroughfare.

The subjects are opposite the Jim Walker Partnership Centre, and adjacent to the local Police Station. Nearby retailers include Lidl and Aldi as well as local independent businesses.





Vacant possession will be provided upon conclusion of missives or the conclusion of purchase conveyancing.

Energy Performance

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is available upon request.

Floor plans

Internal floor plans quoting floor areas are available upon request.

Rateable Value : The rateable value for 20 South Bridge Street is £124,750 whilst the value for 22 South Bridge Street is £149,250

This assessment is based on office and retail use respectively.  Further  information on the assessment of rateable value for an alternative use can be sought from the Regional Assessor, 17A South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9FL

Viewing : Viewing of the premises are by prior  appointment only and interested parties are asked to co-ordinate viewings by contacting the following officers.

Darren Stenhouse : 07901114394

Jacqueline Steven : 07901114348





Submitting an Offer

Once a closing date has been set the following procedure will apply ;

· All offers must submitted in an A4 envelope clearly labelled “OFFER OF PURCHASE / LEASE FOR 20-22 SOUTH BRIDGE STREET, BATHGATE”. The offeror must write his / her name and address on the back of the envelope.

· Any offers received after 12 Noon on the closing date will be returned unopened and will not be taken into consideration by the council.

· All offers must be sent to : The Property Services Manager, Property Services, West Lothian Council, West Lothian Civic Centre, Howden South Road, Livingston, EH54 6FF.

· Offers received by fax or email will not be accepted.

· The council does not bind itself to accept the highest or any other offer. However, West Lothian Council has a legal obligation to obtain the best price legally obtainable.

· Prospective purchasers must also submit with any offer, information sufficient to allow the council to obtain a suitable financial reference. Were an offer is submitted by a company, then details of the         directors or partners involved should be named.

· Offers that are conditional upon planning permission or other consents must include the following  information :

1.  A layout of the proposed development on the  subjects.

2. Details of the proposed development.

3. A development timetable.

4. Details of any conditions on which the offer is based.

5. Details of any permissions / consents required.

6. Details of the purchase price being offered.

Community Asset Transfer

The Council will consider offers for Community Asset Transfer in accordance with the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and West Lothian Council’s approved policies and practices.

Community Asset Transfer is available to community bodies who are interested in taking over public land and property and   council officers will provide assistance to any community group seeking to explore this  avenue.  Successful asset transfer  requests typically provide evidence of significant preparatory work having been  undertaken at the pre-application stage and would include  evidence of community engagement that establishes need and community buy-in for the  proposed  project, a detailed  business plan that demonstrates financial viability and sustainability, along with evidence that the community body has the capacity and    skill-sets necessary to deliver and sustain the project going forward.

Groups interested in community asset transfer are asked to contact Rachel Donald (Property Modernisation and  Community Empowerment Officer, West Lothian Council) at Rachel.Donald2@westlothian.gov.uk




Property Quote Price(s)

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Darren Stenhouse

West Lothian Council

01506 260091

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