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Industrial / Warehouse Unit, Connect 63, Integra 61, Durham, DH6 5FQ

63,396 Sq Ft / Industrial / Warehouse

To Let

Available - Last updated: 20 August 2024

Connect at Integra 61 is a new 5 unit industrial/warehouse opportunity consisting of units from 42,957 to 298,621 sq ft.

Connect 63 is a grade A unit, built to an institutional specification totalling 63,396 sq ft.


Integra 61 is the premier industrial and logistics hub in the North East, situated immediately adjacent to junction 61 of the A1(M).


Warehouse - 60,118 sq ft (5,585 sq m)

Offices - 3,277 sq ft (304 sq m)

TOTAL GIA - 63,396 sq ft (5,890 sq m)


Terms - Available on application


  • 12m eaves height
  • 2 level access doors
  • 6 dock doors
  • 38m yard depth
  • Floor loading 50Kn/m2
  • 41 car parking spaces
  • 2 EV parking spaces
  • 300kva power supply
  • 10% roof lights

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Available on application To Let NA NA

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Dave Cato

CBRE Ltd (Leeds)

0113 347 0187

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