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Industrial Unit With Quality Offices, Unit 5 Orion Trade Estate, Tenax Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1JT

24,294 Sq Ft / Industrial / Warehouse

To Let

Available - Last updated: 08 November 2024

The property comprises a terraced industrial unit of brick construction with profile metal clad elevations beneath pitched / northern lit roof sections. There is a shared yard / loading area to the front of the unit.


The property is situated on Tenax Road (A576) in a prominent location within the heart of Trafford Park. Trafford Park is home to over 1,300 companies and is the premier industrial area in the North West of England with excellent motorway connections. Manchester City Centre is approximately 4 miles to the northeast and access to the motorway network is via junctions 9 & 10 of the M60 and junction 2 of the M602.


Warehouse - 16,029 sq ft

Offices - 8,265 sq ft

Total - 24,294 sq ft


Terms - Available on application


  • Two storey office accommodation
  • Two electrically operated roller shutter doors
  • Clear working height between 4.15m - 4.65m
  • Lighting throughout
  • Kitchen facilities
  • All main services
  • Dedicated car parking

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Available on application To Let NA NA

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Contact agents

Steve Capper

CBRE Ltd (Manchester)

0161 635 0136

Charlie Newton

CBRE Ltd (Manchester)

0161 401 0190

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