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Warehouse & Yard, Unit 4 Moorfield Park, Kilmarnock, KA2 0FJ

27,501 Sq Ft / Industrial / Warehouse

To Let

Available - Last updated: 09 January 2025

Unit 4 Moorfield Park, is a modern detached warehouse with 55 on site car parking spaces and a private, secure concrete surfaced yard.

The warehouse has four ground level vehicle entry doors with an internal eaves height of 5m (16’5’’) and ancillary accommodation to the front elevation.

A full length (87m) mezzanine floor has been installed and the building is fully racked, both available via separate negotiation. Containers on site are also available to purchase.


Moorfield Park is located on the western edge of Kilmarnock in the  East Ayrshire region, on the northern side of the A71 and a short drive west of the A/M77 trunk road.

Occupiers within MoorfieldPark include Scotia, Dingbro, Braehead Foods, GAP Tool Hire, Huws and Gray (PDM) and MKM, amongst others.


The property extends to the following gross internal floor areas:

Ground Floor - 2,075 sq m (22,335 sq ft)

Mezzanine - 480 sq m (5,167 sq ft)

Total - 2,555 sq m (27,501 sq ft)


Rateable Value - The rateable value is £118,000.

Terms - The property is available by way of an assignation of an existing lease. Terms are available on request.

EPC - EPC details available upon request.

Legal Costs - Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred with the assignee liable for LBTT, Landlords costs and registration fees.


  • Located on the western outskirts of Kilmarnock
  • Established industrial location close to main road networks
  • Detached warehouse with 5m eaves and ground level vehicle doors
  • Full length mezzanine, racking and containers also available
  • Gross internal floor area 2,555 sqm (27,502 sqft) if mezzanine included

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Available on application To Let NA NA

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Anthony Zdanowicz

DM Hall

01292 400045

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