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Building 2, Ramsbury Road, Lambourn Woodlands, Hungerford, RG17 7TJ

12,987 Sq Ft / Industrial / General Industrial

To Let

Available - Last updated: 25 September 2024

Under refurbishment

Significant power supply

Good yard area

Well located for access to M4

The property comprises a steel portal framed building under a steel clad roof. There is significant power supply, a good yard and LED lighting. The building has been occupied by an engineering company who have altered the building to include offices, showers, a mezzanine floor and heating.
The building is subject to refurbishment, offering an incoming tenant the opportunity to contribute to the specification required.
There are car parking areas to the front of the site and yard areas provide fenced open storage.

The property is located off Ramsbury Road near to Membury Airfield Industrial Estate in Lambourn Woodlands, a short distance from the M4.
The area is home to a number of occupiers including Sunbelt Rentals, FORT building supplies, Red Spot self-storage and others.
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 20016027 )

Property Quote Price(s)

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  To Let NA NA

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Phoebe Dawson

Carter Jonas LLP

01962 920197

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