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Former Respite & Day Centre Premises, Hanger View, 148 Cotton End Road, Wilstead, MK45 3DP

not specified / Other / Residential Institution

For Sale - £750,000.00

Available - Last updated: 15 July 2024

A modern detached property of brick and tile construction with two floors of accommodation, used recently as a respite and day center.  The spacious accommodation offers the opportunity for a number of medical purposes within the current planning use.  The generous sized plot offers potential for expansion.


The property faces to the north and is located at the east end of Wilstead, close to the A600 with Cotton End just to the north and Cardington beyond.  The A6 lies to the west by just over 2km.  The Bedford Bypass the A421 and the A603 are to the north by about 4.5km and beyond is Bedford.


Ground Floor
Entrance hall [stairs off] 155sq.ft 14.04sq.m
Rear Hall                                 60sq.ft   5.57sq.m
Rear main room 409sq.ft 38.00sq.m
Front bathroom                       54sq.ft   5.01sq.m
Room 1 [front lhs] 116sq.ft 10.77sq.m
Room 2 [rear lhs]                 99.5sq.ft   9.24sq.m
Room 3 [rear lhs]                    99sq.ft   9.19sq.m
Room 4 [rear middle] 105sq.ft   9.75sq.m
Room 5 [front rhs] 123sq.ft 11.42sq.m
Kitchen 135sq.ft 12.05sq.m
Breakfast area                      91.5sq.ft   8.05sq.m
Utility room                           67.5sq.ft   6.27sq.m
Separate toilet & wet room      40sq.ft   3.07sq.m
First Floor
Landing area [built-in cupboard]
Room 6 [lhs] 346sq.ft 32.01sq.m
Room 7 [rhs] 216sq.ft 20.00sq.m
Bathroom                                  99sq.ft   9.19sq.m

The premises are set back from the road with a forecourt area and side access to open ground at the rear which extends off to the east in a L shape.  The total site area extends to 0.926 acre.



Existing planning falls into the use class of D1 with the provision of education, day nursery, medical or health services.  An interested party should make their own enquiries direct with the Planning Department of Bedford Borough Council.


Mains electricity, water and drainage are connected. Heating is from a gas boiler to radiators.  

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
  For Sale Freehold £750,000.00 NA

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David Clifton


01767 400521

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