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Banwell Road, Locking Weston-Super-Mare, BS24 7AJ

15.4 acres / Land

For Sale

Available - Last updated: 11 November 2024

The Property is situated to the east of Locking Parklands, a Homes England and St Modwen led community comprising of quality homes, a primary school, shopping and employment opportunities. Weston-Super-Mare is located approximately 5-miles to the west of the Property and provides for a wide range facilities, including several supermarkets, health and leisure provision, civic buildings and a number of national and independent retailers and restaurants.
Local schools include Locking Primary School, Haywood Village Academy and Herons' Moor Academy.

Amenities within Locking include a public house, cafe, Post Office and playing fields set to the south of Locking Primary School. Junction 21 of the M5 is located approximately 3.5-miles to the north and provides access to Bristol to the north and Taunton and Exeter to the south. Access to rail services is good with Worle Station, Weston-super-Mare (approximately 4-miles from the Property) providing regular services into Bristol Temple Meads and London Paddington.

The Property extends to approximately 15.40 acres (6.23 hectares) of open agricultural land, comprising primarily of pastureland. Vehicular access is taken via the A371, which includes an initial landscaped route leading off the highway down to the main development area. The topography of the main development
area is broadly level with boundaries formed primarily by mature hedgerows.

The illustrative site plan that accompanied the planning application details:
Residential development of up to 75 dwellings with associated driveways and garaging and public open space
Footpath and cycle way links to Locking Parklands to the West, which the purchaser will be obliged to complete
Provision of public open space
Sound attenuation bunding
Access road and layout from the Banwell Road

North Somerset Council granted outline planning permission in a Decision Notice dated 9th November 2020 (planning reference: 18/P/3038/OUT).
"for the Erection of up to 75 dwellings with provision of Access, Drainage, Landscape Bunds and Other Ancillary Works. Matters of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale are reserved for subsequent approval"

North Somerset Council have confirmed that Condition 2 has been complied with (submission of RM within 3 years).

Condition 20 of the Decision Notice sets out the requirement for "pedestrian/cycle routes linking with the roads and footpaths to the west as shown on the drawing 3294D Concept Masterplan..." The Vendors have agreed a draft Easement with Homes England for such rights and copies are held in the data room. The selected developer will be obliged to provide these connections.

The land is registered with the Land Registry under Title Numbers AV168450 and ST216576.

Further detail can be found within the data room (www.landatlocking.com). The data room is password protected and registration is required on the front page. A password will be sent to you upon registration.

The data room contains the following:
Planning application information Technical documentation
Bid proforma
Homes England Draft Easement
Flood risk report

The Property is offered for sale freehold with vacant possession by Private Treaty with unconditional offers sought.

North Somerset Council

Freehold with Vacant Possession upon completion.

The Property may be viewed from the highway. Parties wishing to walk the property should arrange an appointment via the Selling Agents.

( Agency Pilot Software ref: 20016255 )

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
  For Sale Freehold NA NA

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Edward Walter

Carter Jonas LLP

01865 575142

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